Employment and Labour Blog: COVID-19 and Returning to Work: What You Need to Know

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we work, and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. As the province moves to re-open the economy, many business owners are wondering about the new rules and how to manage the resumption of operations. Knowing the rules before you re-open is the best way to ensure compliance. Here are some of the health and safety issues you should be thinking about: 

  • What are the recommended enhanced health and safety measures? 

  • How do we communicate enhanced health and safety measures to employees? 

  • Do we need a COVID-19 workplace policy?

  • How do we call employees back to work?

  • Should we consider a graduated return to work plan? 

  • What do we do if an employee refuses to return to work? 

  • We are an essential business—do we need to allow employees to work from home? 

  • What is the statutory work refusal process? 

  • How do we comply with the statutory work refusal process? 

  • What if our physical workplace cannot accommodate social distancing?

  • What if an employee contracts COVID-19 in the workplace?

Whether you remained open because you are an essential business or are planning to re-open when permitted, it is important to ensure you are compliant with new laws and government recommendations. The rules are changing rapidly. Workplace health and safety is now more important than ever. 

We are here to help. Call us with your questions.